A look back on the 2020 Michigan maple season


The 2020 Maple Season is finally over. Actually, most of the state of Michigan has been finished making syrup since April. However, just because we’re done making syrup, doesn’t mean the job of the sugarmaker is done for the season…yet.

Once production concludes, there is a lot of cleaning up that needs to take place so we are ready and in good shape when the next season rolls around. Tubing, buckets, tanks, R/Os and evaporators all need to be cleaned and it’s not an easy job if you think about the ‘sticky factor’ of sap and maple syrup!

At the start of the season, as early as the beginning of February, sugarmakers are frequently asked, “How’s the season going to be?”. Many of us reply with “We’ll let you know in May”.

Well May just came to a close and as we reflect on the 2020 Maple Season, we can say it was quite normal for the State of Michigan with the exception of course, of a worldwide pandemic that disrupted our Michigan Maple Weekend festivities. The sap run was steady and sometimes long, but no unusual massive runs occurred this season. Sap quality this year seemed to be average or a little above average and most sugarmakers reported having a good season.

Just because our season has ended, doesn’t mean that the delectable liquid gold is no longer available. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite! Now is the perfect time to visit a local sugarmaker and pick up some pure Michigan Maple Syrup fresh from the 2020 Maple Season production.

Find a sugar bush near you and get a taste
of Michigan sweetness.
